Monika Bargmanns Weblog über Public Sector Information; Amts- und Behördenbibliotheken; elektronische Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Justiz; digitale Politik. Schwerpunkt Österreich & EU; meistens deutsch, manchmal englisch, selten in anderen Sprachen (früher: "eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics").
Monika Bargmann's Weblog about public sector information, government libraries, government information, eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics. Main focus on Austria & Europe.

Montag, Februar 21, 2005

Die Dissertation von Helmut Klaus an der australischen Queensland University of Technology von 2004 wurde im Rahmen des "Australian Digital Theses Program" online gestellt: "Elements of a Hermeneutics of Knowledge in Government: The Coalition of Public Sector Reform and Enterprise Resource Planning".



  • At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Dear library mistress,

    due to the pseudonym, I do not know whether I can write to you in German. It's however easier in English. First, I am surprised that my thesis has found the way into your 'blog' (whatever that is) so soon, since I had received notification of its availability only nine days prior to your posting. Second, having been a librarian (in the pre-digitised) myself, I actually should not be that surprised. Third, I am of course curious how quickly I have gained that 'international reputation'. Should you be willing to enlighten me on the latter, please drop a line to:


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