Monika Bargmanns Weblog über Public Sector Information; Amts- und Behördenbibliotheken; elektronische Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Justiz; digitale Politik. Schwerpunkt Österreich & EU; meistens deutsch, manchmal englisch, selten in anderen Sprachen (früher: "eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics").
Monika Bargmann's Weblog about public sector information, government libraries, government information, eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics. Main focus on Austria & Europe.

Mittwoch, April 20, 2005

I heard that a BBC Radio 4 Analysis programme entitled "Going to the Blogs", about whether blogging and ICT generally can change our democracy, ended with the presenter concluding: "Perhaps what our MPs need are not new skills in blogging but old-fashioned skills in thinking. Now wouldn't that be a radical change?"

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