Monika Bargmanns Weblog über Public Sector Information; Amts- und Behördenbibliotheken; elektronische Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Justiz; digitale Politik. Schwerpunkt Österreich & EU; meistens deutsch, manchmal englisch, selten in anderen Sprachen (früher: "eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics").
Monika Bargmann's Weblog about public sector information, government libraries, government information, eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics. Main focus on Austria & Europe.

Montag, Oktober 10, 2005

Das Buch "Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization" von Gene I. Rochlin, erschienen 1997 bei der Princeton University Press, ist zur Gänze online abrufbar. Aus der Beschreibung: "Voice mail. E-mail. Bar codes. Desktops. Laptops. Networks. The Web. In this exciting book, Gene Rochlin takes a closer look at how these familiar and pervasive productions of computerization have become embedded in all our lives, forcing us to narrow the scope of our choices, our modes of control, and our experiences with the real world. Drawing on fascinating narratives from fields that range from military command, air traffic control, and international fund transfers to library cataloging and supermarket checkouts, Rochlin shows that we are rapidly making irreversible and at times harmful changes in our business, social, and personal lives to comply with the formalities and restrictions of information systems".
