Die Secrecy News vom 8. Dezember schreiben: "Eliot A. Jardines has been named Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Open Source. In that post, he will provide policy guidance to the recently established Open Source Center, which is responsible for deriving intelligence from unclassified, open source information that can be legally acquired without resorting to espionage".
Von Jardines - damals noch Präsident von Open Source Publishing, Inc. - gibt es auch ein "written testimony" vor dem "House committee on homeland security / subcommittee on intelligence, information sharing, and terrorism risk assessment" im Rahmen eines Hearings zum Thema "Using Open-Source Information Effectively" am 21. Juni 2005 (pdf).
Von Jardines - damals noch Präsident von Open Source Publishing, Inc. - gibt es auch ein "written testimony" vor dem "House committee on homeland security / subcommittee on intelligence, information sharing, and terrorism risk assessment" im Rahmen eines Hearings zum Thema "Using Open-Source Information Effectively" am 21. Juni 2005 (pdf).
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