Neue Artikel zu E-Inclusion
Ausgabe 21 (2008) 4 der Zeitschrift "Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research" widmet sich dem Thema "E-Inclusion and E-Government - Challenges and policies". Inhalt: Editorial / Niki Rodousakis, S. 281 - 282 The development of inclusive e-Government in Austria and Portugal: a comparison of two success stories / Niki Rodousakis, Antonio Mendes dos Santos, S. 283 - 316 The link between socio-economic background and Internet use: barriers faced by low socio-economic status groups and possible solutions / Lina Van Aerschot, Niki Rodousakis, S. 317 - 351 Technologies visuelles et e-inclusion. Initiatives de sourds / Sophie Dalle-Nazébi, S. 353 - 369 Local issues discussion forums in comparative perspective: whose voices are heard? / Simon Smith, S. 371 - 387 Enhancing digital access to local cultural heritage through e-governance: innovations in theory and practice from Genoa, Italy / Krassimira Paskaleva-Shapira, José Azorín; Aline Chiabai, S. 389 - 405 The eHungary Programme 2.0 / Marianna Pósfai, Andrea Féjer, S. 407 - 415
Labels: eAdministration
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