Digital Government Information & Libraries
Ausgabe 25 (2008) 1 der Zeitschrift "Goverment information quarterly" ist dem Thema "Digital Government Information and Libraries: Shifting Paradigms or Predictable Partnerships" gewidmet und wurde von Aimée C. Quinn und Maggie Farrell herausgegeben. Und das schönste ist, dass genau diese Ausgabe anscheinend gerade als "sample issue" frei auf ScienceDirect abgerufen werden kann. Folgende Beiträge sind darin enthalten:Editorial. Digital government information and libraries: Shifting paradigms or predictable partnerships / Maggie Farrell Selection practices for Web-based government publications in state depository library programs: Comparing active and passive approaches / Chi-Shiou Lin and Kristin R. Eschenfelder Access to Australian Government information: A decade of change 1997–2007 / Roxanne Missingham Age of Aquarius—The FDLP in the 21st century / Barbie Selby The U.S. Government Printing Office's initiatives for the Federal Depository Library Program to set the stage for the 21st century / Ted Priebe, Amy Welch and Marian MacGilvray Federal government documents: Dead or alive / Charles D. Bernholz Coming Soon to a Location Near You / Amy West Archiving Web-published materials: A needs assessment of librarians, researchers, and content providers / Kathleen R. Murray and Inga K. Hsieh Lessons learned about access to government information after World War II can be applied after September 11 / Karen Hogenboom Moving in the right direction: Developments in the online availability of full-text Congressional committee hearing transcripts / Barbara J. Costello A comprehensive framework for the assessment of eGovernment projects / José Esteves and Rhoda C. Joseph Archiving of publicly funded research data: A survey of Canadian researchers / Carol Marie Perry
Labels: government information, government library
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