Monika Bargmanns Weblog über Public Sector Information; Amts- und Behördenbibliotheken; elektronische Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Justiz; digitale Politik. Schwerpunkt Österreich & EU; meistens deutsch, manchmal englisch, selten in anderen Sprachen (früher: "eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics").
Monika Bargmann's Weblog about public sector information, government libraries, government information, eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics. Main focus on Austria & Europe.

Dienstag, September 18, 2018

Ernewerung der Ordnung vnd zwberaittung ainer warnung

Ernewerung der Ordnung vnd zwberaittung ainer warnung, auch ains gemainen Auffpot, Damit vrbrig vnd jäch einfäll auch straiff, von den veindten, im Lanndt verhütt vnnd fürkumen werden .... [S.l. Wien?], 1536. Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Druckschriftensammlung, Sign. C-345200.

Die Wienbibliothek konnte im Jahr 2017 einige Amtsdruckschriften der frühen Neuzeit erwerben:

Mit der Technik des Buchdrucks eröffneten sich in der Frühneuzeit auch hinsichtlich der Verbreitung herrschaftlicher Willensäußerungen völlig neue Möglichkeiten. Patente und Verordnungen konnten nun schnell und preiswert einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit bekannt gemacht werden. So verwundert es nicht, dass Amtsdruckschriften — ob als Einblattdrucke oder als geheftete Folio-Broschüren — zu den häufigsten und vermutlich auch auflagestärksten Textsorten der Vormoderne zählen. Umso erstaunlicher, dass im Antiquariatshandel auch heute noch Drucke auftauchen, die bislang bibliographisch völlig unbekannt waren.
Um einen solchen handelt es sich bei der "Ernewerung der Ordnung vnd zwberaittung ainer warnung" aus dem Jahr 1536, die nun für die Sammlung der Wienbibliothek erworben werden konnte. In einer kurzen Verschnaufpause des so genannten "Ersten österreichischen Türkenkriegs" ging Ferdinand I. daran, die Verteidigung des im Zuge der Türkenbelagerung 1529 stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogenen Landes unter der Enns (Niederösterreich) neu zu organisieren. (Quelle)


Dienstag, November 07, 2017

ParlaCLARIN - LREC2018 workshop on creating and using parliamentary corpora

ParlaCLARIN - LREC2018 workshop on creating and using parliamentary corpora

1st Call for Papers
Date: 7 May, 2018. To be held as part of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), at the Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan.
Submission Deadline: 10 January 2018

Workshop Description

Parliamentary data is a major source of socially relevant content. It is available in ever larger quantities, is multilingual, accompanied by rich metadata, and has the distinguishing characteristic that it spoken language produced in controlled circumstances that has been traditionally transcribed but now increasingly released also in audio and video formats. All those factors in combination require solutions related to its archiving, structuring, synchronization, visualization, querying and analysis. Furthermore, adequate approaches to its exploitation also have to take into account the need of researchers from vastly different Humanities and Social Sciences fields, such as political sciences, sociology, history, and psychology.
An inspiring CLARIN-PLUS cross-disciplinary workshop "Working with parliamentary records" [1] that was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in Spring 2017, and a comprehensive overview of a multitude of the existing parliamentary resources within the CLARIN infrastructure [2] clearly indicated a need for better harmonization, interoperability and comparability of the resources and tools relevant for the study of parliamentary discussions and decisions, not only in Europe but worldwide.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers interested in compiling, annotating, structuring, linking and visualising parliamentary records that are suitable for research in a wide range of disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We invite unpublished original work focusing on the collection, analysis and processing of parliamentary records.


Due to Freedom of Information Acts that are supported by the United Nations and set in place in over 100 countries worldwide, parliamentary debates are being increasingly easy to obtain, and have always been of interest to researchers from a wide range fields in Humanities and Social Sciences both for the potential influence of their content, and the specificities of the formalized, often persuasive and emotional language use in this context. As a consequence, there are many initiatives, on the national and international levels, that aim at compiling and analysing parliamentary data. Recent CLARIN-PLUS survey on parliament data has identified over 20 corpora of parliamentary records, with over half of them being available within the CLARIN infrastructure [3].
Given the maturity, variety, and potential of this type of language data as well as the rich metadata it is complemented with, it is urgent to gather researchers both from the side of those producing parliamentary corpora and making them available, as well as those making use of them for linguistic, historical, political, sociological etc. research in order to share methods and approaches of compiling, annotating and exploring them in order to achieve harmonization of the compiled resources, and to ensure current and future comparability of research on national datasets as well as promote transnational analyses.

Topics of interest

Topics include but are not limited to:
  • Creation and annotation of parliamentary data in textual and/or spoken format
  • Annotation standards and best practices for parliamentary corpora
  • Accessibility, querying and visualisation of parliamentary data
  • Text analytics, semantic processing and linking of parliamentary data
  • Parliamentary corpora and multilinguality
  • Studies based on parliamentary corpora

Submission & Publication

We accept submission of long papers (up to 8 pages), short papers (up to 4 pages) and demo papers (up to 4 pages) to be presented as a long or short oral presentation at the workshop. The papers of the workshop will be published in online proceedings.
When submitting a paper from the START page, authors will be asked to provide essential information about resources (in a broad sense, i.e. also technologies, standards, evaluation kits, etc.) that have been used for the work described in the paper or are a new result of your research. Moreover, ELRA encourages all LREC authors to share the described LRs (data, tools, services, etc.) to enable their reuse and replicability of experiments (including evaluation ones). For contact data, stylesheets, up-to-date details on submission and the workshop itself, please consult the workshop website.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 10 January 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: 12 February 2018
  • Camera-ready paper: 26 February 2018
  • Workshop date: 7 May 2018

Organizing Committee

  • Darja Fiser, University of Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Franciska de Jong, CLARIN ERIC
  • Maria Eskevich, CLARIN ERIC

The workshop is supported by the CLARIN research infrastructure. To contact the organizers, please mail (Subject: [ParlaCLARIN@LREC2018]).

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Donnerstag, Jänner 02, 2014

Landesgesetzblätter nur noch online

Seit 1. Jänner 2014 wird die authentische Kundmachung des Landesgesetzblattes für Wien elektronisch im Rahmen des Rechtsinformationssystems erfolgen. Der Druck wurde mit Ende 2013 eingestellt. Mehr dazu:


Dienstag, November 05, 2013

Bibliothek der Bremischen Bürgerschaft vor dem Aus?

Hinweis von Jürgen Plieninger in aspb-spezialbibliotheken-l: "Von heute bis zum 13.12.2013 steht die Petition zum 'Erhalt der Bibliothek der Bremischen Bürgerschaft' mit dem Aktenzeichen L 18/304 für sechs Wochen online". Die Bremische Bürgerschaft wäre bei einer Schließung der erste Landtag in Deutschland ohne eigene Bibliothek.


Montag, Oktober 14, 2013

RIS mit IALL 2013 Website Award ausgezeichnet

Das österreichische Rechtsinformation des Bundes (RIS) wurde mit dem Website Award der International Association of Law Libraries ausgezeichnet. Begründung: "RIS is an excellent open-access official government website managed by the Austrian Federal Chancellery that provides comprehensive access not only to national laws, but also to European community law, and the judicature of high courts, commissions and tribunals". Die Jury bestand aus Ligita Gjortlere (Riga Graduate School of Law), Teresa Miguel-Stearns (Yale Law School), Mirela Roznovschi (New York University School of Law) und Ivo Vogel (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin).

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Freitag, November 30, 2012

Social media use

John T. Snead: "Social media use in the U.S. Executive branch". In: Government Information Quarterly 30 (2013) 1, S. 56 – 63: "This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media".

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Montag, März 12, 2012


Neu: "WE-NATO is an interactive social media platform which will enable NATO officials to engage directly with the global public and citizens in an open and transparent dialogue on issues related to NATO's current agenda. We want to engage in a conversation with you on issues of critical relevance to transatlantic and global security. We want to listen to your views and comments. And we want to share with you our thinking.
Are you interested? The web platform will use the social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.
How can you join? There are several ways for you to get involved:
  • 1. Ask your question directly : Pose your questions during live interviews by using #asknato on Twitter.
  • 2. Submit your own Blog entries : Tell us what you think about NATO related issues by sending written or video blogs to and we'll post them on the WE-NATO site.
  • 3. Comment on specific Blogs on WE-NATO by registering with the WordPress site, or by using your facebook account to log in".
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