Monika Bargmanns Weblog über Public Sector Information; Amts- und Behördenbibliotheken; elektronische Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Justiz; digitale Politik. Schwerpunkt Österreich & EU; meistens deutsch, manchmal englisch, selten in anderen Sprachen (früher: "eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics").
Monika Bargmann's Weblog about public sector information, government libraries, government information, eGovernment, eDemocracy, ePolitics. Main focus on Austria & Europe.

Montag, Juli 31, 2006

eCard im Wörterbuch

"Die 'E-Card' ist der wichtigste neue Austriazismus und somit in der jüngsten Ausgabe des Österreichischen Wörterbuchs", schreibt Hedwig Kainberger am 3. Juli in den Salzburger Nachrichten.


Montag, Juli 24, 2006

Digital divide report

Der "Digital divide report: ICT diffusion index 2005", herausgegeben von der United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, erschien vor kurzem und kann kostenlos im Web heruntergeladen werden (Report-Nummer UNCTAD/ITE/IPC/2006/5). - Hinweis von Mohamed Abida in
Zitat aus dem Bericht: "There is an immense information and communication technology (ICT) gap, a 'digital divide', between developed and developing countries. A person in a high-income country is over 22 times more likely to be an Internet user than someone in a low-income country. Secure Internet servers, a rough indicator of electronic commerce, are over 100 times more common in high-income than in low-income countries. In high-income countries, mobile phones are 29 times more prevalent and mainline penetration is 21 times that of low-income countries. Relative to income, the cost of Internet access in a low-income country is 150 times the cost of a comparable service in a high-income country. There are similar divides within individual countries. ICT is often non-existent in poor and rural areas of developing countries".


Freitag, Juli 14, 2006

Neuerscheinung "Open Government"

Bei Ashgate ist gerade der Band "Open Government in a Theoretical and Practical Context", herausgegeben von Richard A. Chapman und Michael Hunt, erschienen: "Combining a stimulating blend of academic authority and senior practitioner experience, this book tackles the principle of openness to official documentation and information flow. It covers important areas such as the Hutton Report into the death of Dr David Kelly, the freedom of speech in democratic societies, the value of the freedom of information and international comparisons. The book is a must read for courses on public policy and governance and information law".
ISBN: 0-7546-4642-4, 178 Seiten, 99.95 USD oder 50 GBP. Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf). Beschreibung. 1. Kapitel (pdf). Index (pdf).

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Donnerstag, Juli 13, 2006

Cultural studies

Die Ausgabe 20 (2006) 4+5 der Zeitschrift "Cultural Studies" befasst sich mit dem Thema Sicherheit und Überwachung. Leider sind derzeit (noch) keine Abstracts online, die Ausgabe umfasst jedenfalls folgende Artikel:
  • "Introduction: Toward an analytic of governmental experiments in these times: homeland security as the new social security", James Hay, Mark Andrejevic
  • "Designing homes to be the first line of defense: Safe households, mobilization, and the new mobile privatization", James Hay
  • "Becoming bombs: Mobilizing mobility in the war of terror", Jeremy Packer
  • "Watching ourselves:Video surveillance, urban space and self-responsibilization", Bilge Yesil
  • "Identifying the 9/11 'faces of terror': The promise and problem of facial recognition technology", Kelly Gates
  • "Interactive (in)security: The participatory promise of, Mark Andrejevic
  • "Derivative wars", Randy Martin
  • "Surviving the inevitable future: Preemption in an age of faulty intelligence", Greg Elmer, Andy Opel
  • "Public secrecy and immanent security: A strategic analysis", Jack Bratich
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    Journal of E-Government

    Die dritte Ausgabe des bei Haworth erscheinenden "Journal of E-Government" ist soeben erschienen (Abstracts online) und beinhaltet folgende Artikel:
  • "Editorial", Gregory G. Curtin
  • "Top Management Skills in E-Governance. A Conceptual Framework", Ioana Vasiu, Lucian Vasiu
  • "ICT Governance Frameworks for Managing Australian e-Government", Nigel Martin, Shirley Gregor
  • "Contrasting Approaches to the Adoption of e-Government The UK and Netherlands", Steve Flowers, Puay Tang, Jordi Molas-Gallart, Andy Davies
  • "'Down Periscope'. The Search for High-Tech Campaigning at the Local Level in the 2002 German Federal Election", Rachel K. Gibson, Andrea Römmele
  • "Experiences in e-Voting", Mohsen Kahani
  • "On line citizenship. Emerging technologies for European cities", Massimo Mecella
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    Dienstag, Juli 11, 2006

    Politics, government, Internet

    Die Ausgabe 57 (2005) 4 der Zeitschrift Aslib Proceedings, herausgegeben von Caroline Auty, ist dem Thema "Politics and government in the age of the Internet" gewidmet und umfasst folgende Artikel:
  • "Accountability and accessibility: ensuring the evidence of e-governance in Australia", Adrian Cunningham, Margaret Phillips / S. 301 - 317
  • "The House of Commons Library and the transfer of resources to electronic form for user self-service, 1979-2004", Chris Pond / S. 318 - 332
  • "The Scottish Parliament and e-democracy", Janet Seaton / S. 333 - 337
  • "UK elected representatives and their weblogs: first impressions", Caroline Auty / S. 338 - 355
  • "Poignancy in the US political blogsphere", Richard Rogers / S. 356 - 368
  • "EDM in the Danish public sector: the FESD project", Charlotte Steinmark / S. 369 - 377
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    Free government information

    Über einen Hinweis auf bin ich auf das Weblog "Free Government Information" gestoßen, nach der Selbstbeschreibung "a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information".

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    Montag, Juli 10, 2006

    Criminal Justice Resources

    Der Bibliothekar und Strafverteidiger Ken Strutin gibt auf eine gute Übersicht über "Criminal Justice Resources":
  • Public Defense Systems, 18. Juni 2006 (Public Defense Directories
    Reports, Resource Centers, Standards, Criminal Defense Lawyer Associations, Eligibility, Commissions, Resources)
  • Interpretation and Translation Resources for the Criminal Justice System, 15. März 2006 (Foreign Language Publications & Websites, Federal and State Court Interpreter Programs, Reference Sources, Directories and Services, Court Interpreter Associations, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resources, Guides for Working With Interpreters, Ethics and Standards, Courses and Programs)
  • Wrongful Conviction and Innocence Resources on the Internet, 17. Dezember 2005 (Current Awareness, Case Profiles, Conferences and Trainers, Innocence Projects, Reports, Organizations, Innocence Project Resources, Legislation, Bibliographies, Commissions, Courses)
  • Criminal Justice Ethics Sources on the Internet, 15. Oktober 2005 (Ethics Collections and Finding Aids, Lawyer Codes of Professional Conduct, Court Rules, Criminal Defense Ethics, Criminal Justice Ethics, Prosecution Ethics, Judicial Ethics, Paralegals and Legal Assistants, Legal Ethics Hotlines, Legal Ethics Attorneys and Experts, Current Awareness Databases and Other Internet Sources, Further Reading, Judicial Ethics)
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    Donnerstag, Juli 06, 2006

    Europaweiter Anklang

    "Österreich ist im Bereich e-Government insgesamt beispielgebend: So findet auch das österreichische Konzept der Bürgerkarte europaweit Anklang", pressemeldet Staatssekretär Franz Morak und weist gleichzeitig auf die Initiative "i2010 Österreich" hin. Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen kommen auch vor, und zwar im Zusammenhang mit Langzeitarchivierung, mit europaweiten "Informationsinfrastrukturen für den Zugang zu digitalen kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Ressourcen" und als "digitale Bibliotheken" als eine von drei IKT-Initiativen auf dem Gebiet "Lebensqualität" (da schau her!) - vgl. pdf-Broschüre.
